Alliances play a large role in the services offered by O-Media. The best results come from true collaborative efforts, from clients to supplier: all opinions are valued and analyzed.
O-Media may be small but through its extensive network of communications professionals we bring the big-agency services to all projects, offering a complete set of integrated communications services.
O-Media works closely with respected and experienced professionals to offer the best possible product to our clients. In particular, colleague Ralph Spandl is a most valued collaborator bringing his impressive talents and skills to many shared projects over the last thirteen years.

Ralph Spandl, -— Information Architect and Designer
Lyne Brulotte, Gazolyne -— Designer, Traditional Media
Josée Lafrenière -— Writer, Editor, Translator
Susan O'Brien — Editor and researcher
Violette Dessureault — Web content developer and researcher
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Isaac Newton