Top 7 on-page SEO errors
(May 7, 2009)

Tough times mean that you must squeeze the most out of every opportunity. Most websites really could be doing a better job, simply by employing diligent application of SEO basics, if not the more elaborate techniques. Setting aside the ultimate SEO unfriendly choice – using FLASH-only site, what’s your website NOT doing for you?

  1. Under-utilization of keyword and phrases
    Keywords are at the heart of SEO and each page of your website should target the key sources of search words used by your potential customers. So within the text of each page make sure to not only include your keyword, but also include ones that are related around that topic. Each page should focus on specific keywords and phrases.
  2. Picking the wrong keywords and phrases
    What’s actually on the minds of your customers and what will they type in that search box? If you write about “sore feet” when your customers are actually looking for “comfortable shoes” or “comfortable high-heeled shoes”, or vice versa. You need to do the research and find out the trends in order to have any success with keywords.
  3. Poor style and organization
    Serach engines use programmed spiders read your web pages and just like humans, they need help understanding what’s most important on your page. Pages should be organized with the most important content at the top. Using hierarchies for the text styling will help both humans and spiders know what’s top on your list.
  4. Using text not written for the Internet
    Reading is reading, right? Wrong! Reading done on the web is done with an eye to finding, key points and links. Readers don’t afford much time to the first few pages because they are trying to quickly ascertain if this page is the one they want of if they should go elsewhere. Have your text written by a professional web copywriter who will understand the importance of internal linking, scanability, as well as reader’s habits.
  5. Non-sensical URLs with no keywords
    Use a development platform that will allow you to use SEO-friendly URLs. We should be able to tell what the page is about from the URL alone, and that in as many languages as you offer on your site. Gibberish like, “/index.cfm?sid=254232&sc=79” don’t make any sense and waste an opportunity for more return from your site.
  6. Relying on images to tell the story
    Search engines cannot read images; you must provide text for them to understand that part of your story. So relying on too many images can be a very bad thing. For each and every image on your site – yes including your logo – you should provide alt text. Basically, a short description of what’s going on in the image.
  7. Poor or nonexistent anchor text
    Make it easy to link back to your site and make linking within your site by selecting the right text and putting linkable text in headlines etc.

Those are just the TOP 6 most common SEO mistakes, there are plenty more that you could be making on each or most of your pages. There are so many more to be considered behind the scenes and knocking each one off and putting in best practices will make a huge difference in the ROI from your site.


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